This page houses the archives of recent sermons. We hope you enjoy them. This will continue to expand as additional sermons are added.
- 2025-3-16, Lent 2, Our Life’s Journey, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-3-9, Lent 1, Thriving in the Wilderness, The Rev. Dcn. Susan Arnold (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-3-5, Ash Wednesday, May I Have Your Attention, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-3-2, Last Sunday in Epiphany, The Petite Resurrection, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-2-23, Epiphany 7, Creation Care, Don Maruska (video, bulletin)
- 2025-2-16, Epiphany 6, The Goal of the Spiritual Life, The Rev. Ken Kaisch (video, bulletin)
- 2025-2-9, Epiphany 5, Follow Me, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-2-2, Epiphany 4, Rituals for Living, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-1-26, Epiphany 3, 2025 is Sacred, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-1-19, Epiphany 2, Ask and Then Do as He Tells You, The Rev. Dcn. Susan Arnold (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-1-12, The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Spirit in Everyday Life, Julie Shires, (pdf, video, bulletin)
- 2025-1-5, Epiphany Sunday, The Light of Christ, The Rev. Rob Keim (pdf, video, bulletin)