The changing shape of the Chimes

The changing shape of the Chimes


In the past year there has been an ongoing conversation about how to most effectively communicate the news of the parish to the community. The St. Barnabas community generally does a good job of communicating the good news to the community. But we want to do better. There will be a notable change in the shape of the Chimes. This will be the last edition of the newsletter in this form. In the future the various components of the Chimes will be published in a timely manner. Postings will be made in the blog on the parish website two times a week. You are encouraged to check the website regularly for the most current news. Reflections from the rector and other members of the community will appear on the blog. Everyone on the parish mailing list will receive the Weekly E on Thursday morning. And of course, the Sunday bulletin will continue to have the latest announcements of parish activity.
Kim MacMillan will become the blog content manager. Any announcements and articles you would like to submit for publication will continue to be sent to the