Exercising my faith; no really!

Exercising my faith; no really!

In my tenure as Vestry liaison for outreach ministries I became aware of our exercise groups, Senior Fitness (M,W,F 8-9) and Chair Yoga, (Wed. 9:15-10:15). These classes are run by Pamela Taylor and Sigrid Long respectively. I can’t say enough about how wonderful these classes are in regards to benefiting myself physically. Before being involved in the classes I had found myself with the dubious pleasure of waking up pretty much as stiff as an old deserted surf board found on a Central Coast beach. Pamela and Sigrid skillfully work with each of the students as the master surfer works with her surf board, waxing it and polishing it until it is ready to take on the activities of the day. I feel great after each class. I must say, I am also toned up mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These two women have been given the gift of grace to share their expertise in such a unique way. (And at a ridiculously low price) Presently, I am reading Bishop Mary’s book, Unearthing My Religion, that will be presented in a several week study in March. I would like to quote the Bishop’s work from pg. 14, paragraph 2 where she goes on to say, … “ Commitment to the graceful way of Jesus is not just about the inner life, but about reflecting the values of God in the physical world.”
I respectively suggest that all who have not had the pleasure, give these classes a try! I might add, it is God’s will for me!

Phil West
Happy Elder Surfer at St Barnabas Hall