Serve in the Sunday Service

Serve in the Sunday Service

St. Barnabas offers many opportunities to get involved on a Sunday morning.  We welcome all interested parties and encourage you to connect with the key contacts if you’d like to become involved in our Sunday worship teams. You can contact the church office by email to get more information.

Greeters and Ushers

The Greeters and Ushers at St. Barnabas are the first people you see when you walk into our sanctuary. They are there to welcome all attendees, provide nametags, hand out bulletins, and answer questions. Additionally, members of this team participate in the service by bringing the elements up to the altar and passing the Offertory plates. They also provide guidance during Communion in guiding people to the communion rail.


Each Sunday, the Lessons and Prayers of the People are read by parishioners. We enjoy hearing the lessons in a variety of voices each Sunday. The Prayers of the People, including prayers listed in our Bidding book, are also read by parishioners.

LEM (Lay Eucharistic Minster)

Each Sunday, our Celebrant is assisted by members of the LEM Team. These trained individuals serve on the Altar, assist in preparing Communion, and share the Eucharist with all in attendance. This opportunity does require some training and is very fulfilling. We are always looking to expand our LEM team.

Acolytes (Servers and Torch Bearers)

This opportunity, designed for children, youth, and young adults, is a fantastic way to learn more about our Sunday Services. Acolytes begin as young as age six and start by becoming Torch Bearers. A Torch Bearer, along with the Server, leads the procession and recession at church. They are responsible for carefully carrying torches, and placing them in their holders. They are then released to Sunday School and join us at the Peace for the second half of the service. Servers are 6th grade and up, and carry in our brass cross, leading the procession and recession. They stay in church the entire service and are a key part of our worship. The Server assists during the Gospel, preparing Communion, and other elements. This is a very rewarding activity for our young people.

Join the Choir

The Chancel Choir, led by Janice Johnson, is a group of resolute singers, who leads our 10 AM congregation in music. The Choir meets each Wednesday at 6:00 PM to prepare for the following Sunday. The Choir leads the procession into the church, sits at the front, and leads us in all hymns, as well as singing an Offertory Anthem. At the conclusion of each service, they lead the recession out of the Church. This great group of singers is a treasured part of our 10 AM Services.

Sunday School

Sunday School at St. Barnabas is organized by volunteers. Each week, Sunday School is broken into three sections for the children. The first 20 minutes is the “lesson” and focuses on a lesson that is shared in our church service. This session is led by 1-2 volunteers. The second session is led by a second set of 1-2 volunteers and is activity based. These volunteers lead crafts or activities designed to support our children’s walk and Christian life. After these first two sections, the children join their families for the remainder of our service to participate in Communion and our closing activities. For more information on our Sunday School program, our commitment to keeping all children at St. Barnabas safe, or to learn more about being a teacher, please click here.

Fellowship Hosts

Following each service is what some call the “Third Sacrament”. We call it “Coffee Hour” or “Fellowship Hour”. Each Sunday, we invite all in attendance to join us in “McHugh Hall”, or the Parish Hall to enjoy light snacks and beverages following each of our services. This joyful time is an opportunity to meet & greet new members, chat with old friends, and enjoy each other’s company after worshiping together. We have a lovely clean playground and large open areas for our children to run and play. Kids of all ages enjoy our outside spaces, and a couple of dogs, as well!

Altar Guild

Each Sunday, a small group of dedicated members works to prepare the Church and the Altar for Worship. The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the Altar for services, arranging the flowers, polishing the brass and silver, and caring for the vestments. The Altar Guild is responsible for decorating for all occasions including: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. We are always looking for new members to join our team.