Adult Education / Spiritual Formation
The Spiritual Formation Committee offers various programs during the year, with a focus on spiritual practices and educational presentations. We make use of book studies, lectures, and workshops on Christian practices, as well as opportunities to be introduced to other faith traditions This past summer, we hosted two events, hearing about the Jewish and Muslim faith traditions. In addition, we coordinate with the members of the parish to create Advent and Lenten reflection booklets. These have been an engaging way for many to share their own experience of God at work in their lives.
Generally, three or four programs are presented yearly, usually in four or sometimes six segments. We have been meeting via zoom during the pandemic, but are looking forward to gathering now in person. We look forward to several lively programs this year where we can engage with each other, listen and learn, and grow as a community in openness to the Spirit and to each other.
Tuesday Morning Prayer at 9:30 am
Now Hybrid on Zoom and the church library in person. If you have a Book of Common Prayer at home that will be useful to have on hand.
Click this link to attend via your computer or device:
Bible Study Tuesdays at 10:00 am
Now Hybrid on Zoom and the church library in person. Bible Study will start at 10:00 am immediately following Morning Prayer. The Zoom login is the same as Morning Prayer (above). As we restart Bible Study the group will explore Paul’s letter to the Romans. The guide has been updated to include material on Martin Luther and the Reformation since this is the 500th Anniversary. Call Mary Ann if you have any questions.
Centering Prayer Fridays at 4:00 PM
After first gathering for a few minutes, we practice our 20 minutes of silent Centering Prayer. Following the practice, we will be reading and discussing a passage from Thérèse of Lisieux, one of the most popular and best-loved saints of the twentieth century.
We are using Simply Surrender, an edited collection of her prayers and reflections.
IN-PERSON at St Barnabas’ on the 2nd Friday and via Zoom on the other Fridays: